Real Estate Reinvention | With Michele Bellisari

Ep: 033 - Katie Lance - Social Media Is Her Thing!

Michele Bellisari Season 2 Episode 33

I finally had the pleasure of meeting and seeing Katie Lance speak on stage IRL (in real life) at RE/MAX R4 in Las Vegas in 2019 and again at Inman Connect Las Vegas. Katie is a gifted speaker. coach and entrepreneur and someone I now call a friend.

We talk all things "getting social smart" whether you are a beginner on social media or if you are more advanced and how to build relationships, leverage your database and the value of doing a weekly email!

Get the 24 Hour Challenge from is right around the 24:00 mark!

Find out what influencers Katie follows and a few more fun facts!

Katie is the CEO and Co-Founder of Katie Lance Consulting. Katie is a nationally known keynote speaker at conferences and events.

She is also the author of the best-selling book, #GetSocialSmart and the founder of the #GetSocialSmart Academy. Katie has been named one of the most 100 influential people in real estate by Inman News and is a frequent contributor to The Huffington Post. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and 2 beautiful boys.

You can connect with Katie here

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spk_0:   0:00
Welcome to the real estate influencer buzz podcast with Michelle Be mid like Mama of Millennial Swipe, South Florida realtor marketer, lifestyle blogger and fan oven. Okay, starting a Who Loves in its life. Each week she'll be sharing her real life marketing and branding tip from influencers and an out of real estate bloggers and social media stars buckle up from a side of sassy Sprinkle of sparkly and entertaining conversations with influencers who share their secrets to grow their businesses. Sit back and get comfy with your favorite drink. Let's start today. Sip social cell sesh Okay, I just wish I'll be you in today. Sif social Cell sash on the Real State and Glen Serpas podcast and I am a Sumer punch because the fabulous kitty lass is on my show today. We have we have worked very hard to coordinate this because Katie is all over the place. She's flying here, speaking there, doing instagram challenges, and I'm so happy that I finally got to meet you in person not only once this year, but Glenn's this year. So I'm super excited. So welcome to the show, Katie.

spk_1:   1:11
Thank you, Michelle. I'm super excited that we made this happen, and I am a big fan of your podcasts. I've been listening to a while. I think it's also what you're doing. So super

spk_0:   1:19
excited to be here today. Thank you. Well, let me tell you a little bit, right? Katie? Like you don't know. But in case you don't, here's the short. Here's the short for 11 Katie's offender, Katie lands consulting a social media and marketing for Katie's. Clients include companies such as ReMax, Dougie sign, rpm words, smarts of and many others. She's also a frequent keynote speaker, and contributors are having to pose. So formally was the chief strategist for Inman News, and Katie and I got to know each other out that our four this year and then again, I guess spend some real quality time with you out of Inman Connect Las Vegas. And she graciously invited me to well, push me off Mike Ito eating this amazing Italian restaurant in Caesars Palace. And I was just tickled pink to be there, and it was so much fun. So thank you. Lots of pasta. Meat consuming. God, I was like in a carbohydrate coma. By the time we walked through the endless casino way. Look, Bill, mister and I go, Are we getting on your very claustrophobic? I don't know If you knew that, I didn't know we were walking through Caesar's. And I'm like, Okay, you know, I'm cool. I can handle this and we're walking and we're walking And I'm starting to, like, feel the walls closing. I mean, like, oh, crap. Like I went, I went like this Stability is you can go. Is the accident near? And I guess that's right up here. You. Oh, yeah. Oh, God, I'm highly claustrophobic. So there you go. But we're gonna talk today about well, things that I know Katie is amazing at. We're gonna start with some social media because as of this podcast, Katie has an instagram challenge finding Instagram challenge going on. So make sure you follow her on Instagram and Facebook so that when she has these challenges, you can sign up and do them. It's a smart way to get to know how to do your social media. So I was thinking, let's talk a little bit about how people can choose the right platform because you know them all. I'm looking at all your little fun social media icons how my eye in cell was trying to figure out where they really need to be.

spk_1:   3:36
Yeah, it's like the $1,000,000 question, right, because there's so many different options and, you know, the thing is, there's each platform sort of exists for different reasons. I mean, for example, Lincoln right? Lincoln is not as fun as Instagram, but it's a really important platform to have some sort of profile on, because if you get Googled, Lincoln is one of the first things that comes up. So it's not like I'm hanging on Arlington, you know, 24 hours a day, but having some sort of President Ford. So I think it's it's good to kind of think about like, what is the purpose for some other different platforms? But then also, where do you enjoy being if you if you are on different social media platforms, where you having the most fun and also where your clients at? I think that's also really important and stuff, you know, For some people listening, maybe their clients are necessarily social media people, and that's okay. Maybe you'll connect with them offline in other ways and you know, within your community or or things like that. But one

spk_0:   4:33
of the

spk_1:   4:33
things I recommend for any agent or broker is to send an email to their database. And it could be something as simple as you know where Where you online, where you hanging out online. And it could be something like

spk_0:   4:44
this was your idea.

spk_1:   4:45
Yeah, just ask people, you know, we're working to improve our social media strategy, and we love to find out from you were spending the most time. Is that Facebook? Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, None of the above. And that's okay. Just let me know just a quick email and what will happen First of all is you'll have people, you know a handful of people, so are so will respond, and it's a great way for you to engage with those people anyways. But

spk_0:   5:08
if you're just getting a

spk_1:   5:08
little bit of a barometer of where your audiences at and then you can kind of go from there,

spk_0:   5:13
that's a great idea, because you know, when you're just starting stage is in real estate. If you're a millennial realtor, chances are you're hanging with millennial potential buyers and possible Sarge probably more buyers and they're gonna be more honest, agree on than anything, maybe us now for sure on to talk So But as you get older, Zay say, like mine midlife flight. You know, surprisingly, there are a lot of mid lifers on Instagram doesn't mean that the same percentage as the Millennials. But there's a big chunk of us on their still. It's hard to gauge that. So I think that's an amazingly good question. I haven't even thought about Jane out with my database, so I'm gonna definitely do that. That's a great idea. Yeah, great. I think it's

spk_1:   6:00
good just to get, you know, get a get a sense of where people are hanging out with that. That's a great entry level step. And if you're even if you're a brand new agent, you could do that. If you're just building your database and maybe your databases to my friends and family, you could send an email out saying, Hey, you know, there's a lot of you know I'm working to build my business and I'm looking to make a big impact on social media and just curious where you're hanging out, you know, so I love it. I think it's a It's a great place for that. And then I think the next level is if you are on social meeting, you've been on social media for a while. The other piece of all of this is, in my opinion, social media is a great place to build relationships and keep in touch with people. But it's also a great place to distribute your content, so it's a little bit of a bigger conversation. But I really believe that, like, business doesn't necessarily happen on Facebook or instagram it. It can happen because you're on there, but it's also because you're doing the content like your podcasts, which is awesome. Michelle or video content like its content that doesn't just live on instagram and doesn't just live on Facebook. Yeah, I told him where we advanced hit, but that's that's, I think, a big opportunity also.

spk_0:   7:05
So going back to e mailing the importance of building your own email list because we are on rented space on these platforms teach makes really good sense. Oh, it's huge because let's face it, we all rush over to Twitter when extreme basement go down. It's like I'm okay over here today, You know, weigh your thoughts on utilizing social media but making sure that you're also building your own database so that you're not just like and, you know, enabled. Basically, by using these parts,

spk_1:   7:42
I think it's absolutely critical. I mean, I'm amazed, you know, I'll get up on stage and I'll ask people, how many of you on Facebook and just about everybody raises their hand. And then I'll say, Okay, how many of you have a database and, like, half the room's hands go down? You know, I get it, but at the same time, it's really, really important. And the way you started databases just with, you know, just you just start right. You could be you open up Excel spreadsheet or a Google document, or you grab some post it notes like you just start with who you know, who you worked with, who are your friends and family. You start there, and there's some great free tools I always recommend. Male gym. I think Meltem is awesome. You can use that for free. Up to the 1st 2000 e mails. You know what you have in your database. It's super user friendly. I use Malcolm for like the first. I think four years of our business written now stuff. Yeah, it's really, really easy it. And once you get your database together, you do want to use some sort of email service provider. I know a lot of folks use Bom bom bom almost fantastic. There's male chimp. There's constant contact. There's, You know, there's no shortage of of providers that are out there, but it's a really, really critical. And even though you know, for a lot of us were like email like, we get so much email. But when someone ops into your email lists and I'm not talking about opting into listings, that's that's important, that that's a different function. I'm talking about hopping as they want to hear from you, but that's that's a really powerful thing. And I like to think of your email database. And social media is kind of kind of kissing cousins, right? They go hand in hand, so just give you one quick one quick example. Every week we send out a weekly newsletter. It's our it's on. Saturday goes out every single week, and in that weekly newsletter, our links to other pieces of content that we've posted on social media. So I may have done a Facebook live. You're gonna get a link to that replay in my email newsletter. In case you missed it, you're gonna get a link to my latest YouTube video. You might get a link to something I posted that I thought was really important over on instagram. Right? And it's a way to drive people from email back to social media, Socially hectic, you mail on. Just keep people connected over the course of time and you'll be amazed. I'm sure your experiences I get people, you e mail me all the time here like I've been under list for years. And now they're ready to work with me. They've been sort of, like, lurking like, you know, marinating on you. But now they're ready to work

spk_0:   10:01
with e stopped really emails Again, I saw for different ones because there's something that piqued my interest. And so I kind of like to see. And then I do check out people on instant and I go over to Facebook occasionally linked in. I mean, I just don't like him because when I do my podcast I definitely put it over there. I'm not spending us much times I where Julie was on there, because it's just not where I enjoy spending my time. Enjoy spending. My, you know what? We'll use around following and I have to instagram accounts. I don't recommend that to anybody, but I did So There you go. It's done, but with not being sad. What is your favorite social media platform these days?

spk_1:   10:49
Probably stays. It's instagram. I look, I like to look, I don't have my phone, I think Ugo, I like to look at my There's like the screen time report you get on your iPhone like how much time you're spending and lately, instagrams. But at the top of the list, I think part of that is I mean, I still have Facebook and I I still spend a lot of time on Facebook. Facebook's a big source of business and traffic for us, but I think Instagram is is really interesting because it's this aspirational platform. You know, you don't see quite as much negativity. There's not like the political post. It's just photos. It's media's and especially instagram stories. I mean, I can't tell you I know you know this You're all over instagram stories. And by the way, if you guys are following Michelle Mr Graham on stake her stories are amazing. But

spk_0:   11:33
that's what makes your request for animals. So we can tell everybody Since we're talking about him,

spk_1:   11:38
it's King Looks just kidding.

spk_0:   11:41
Yeah, ee yeah, I'm not like mine. Just complicated because of when I started. But it's a zombie. Shelby e I can't change it disappoints too late. Yeah, I'm

spk_1:   11:57
done is better than perfect.

spk_0:   11:59
Yeah, ee yeah, I agree with you and Katie has great content in her her stories And I did us One reason I enjoy following you is you always have good content, your inspirational You sure things about your family and your boys a baseball and stuff like that which is really fun to watch, You know, my kids are millennials. They're 24 or 29. So one of things that I really enjoy every year around this time is all the back school foot and the back schools. Because I'm done. You know, my girls are on a college now. Anyone? Oh, honey, you know, when he turns, find save my dog's going to kindergarten. But that and that's the connection piece of it. You know, we think these days I know for a long time I was like 80% personal, 20% business Where your thoughts across support on that these days, especially with base but really pushing groups now?

spk_1:   12:57
Yeah, yeah, I think it depends on the platform. Honestly, Like more Instagram, I I just have one account, and it's a business account, but I still post probably 40% personal, 60% business. That's kind of a mixed on Instagram because I just for me, I just I can't, like, turn the hats off like I'm a mama bear a guitar. It's like it's just that's all me right? Facebook, I think slightly different because you've got personal profiles, which I tried to keep mainly personal. Every once in a while, you'll see business stuff for me. Business pages, primarily business stuff. But groups like you said it's really kind of an interesting mix and we've had a facebooker. We have, ah, get Social Smart Academy which paid membership, and we've had our private Facebook group there four years, and I I'm excited that Facebook is putting more prominence towards Facebook groups because we've seen that's just with our own private community of, you know, growing and sharing and learning. And there's so many great tools now available with Facebook groups. You know, just the fact that you could schedule coast. You could do Facebook lives with angry. There's some great insights. You can have multiple announcements. You conform at your post like it's definitely a long game for sure. And I know a lot of agents and brokers who are part of our academy who have Facebook groups for the community. Some of them have them for their clients. We have one member of our group who has, like a V I P client group, work just her clients because she realized, like, gosh, after 10 years, it's really hard to scale keeping in touch with people. So she's got a private grid stop hands. Yeah, give them some love, you know, and love on them and share some great stuff with them. So, yeah, I think I think you go to your question. It's a little bit. Depends depends on the platform. I do think it's really hard to just be business here and personal here. I think more. Yeah, it's sort of this mix. And that's how we connect with people like you, that person, your personality, you know?

spk_0:   14:49
Oh, well, yeah, and staying with you. And then we have similar connections, which is funny because, you know, like minded people always fall of like minded people as faras, like energy and things like that, which is really kind of, you know, cool. And I knew eventually I was going to meet you because, of course, pinky suit Benson, you know, is your number one fan. And she's like me, Katie and so are four kiddie spoke out there. And of course, you know I got to. Which was great. Question another question for you. Now I do my my lifestyle blogger. What are your thoughts about it? It's kind of like a little school now, but it's driving business to me and the real state front as well as some other areas. But your thoughts on a just doing some blinding.

spk_1:   15:38
I think it's great. I mean, I think a lifestyle blogger, it's interesting because blogging was such a big thing, you know, 10 years ago or whatever, whatever waas I said, Yeah, you and having a block. I mean, you know, Google loves blog's, you know, view of here down. If you're trying to be sort of found for a certain niche area, there's and my pain. There's something better you can do that either blogging about it or doing a ton of stuff on YouTube because since YouTube's owned by Google or both, you know, and once you start getting going, you can really start to kind of get some great prominent placement in the, you know, in the in the Google out algorithms. So, yeah, I mean, I think it's really powerful. And then just like what we talked about earlier, if you're doing some blogging, I would drive traffic to that blob. If you're doing, you know, monthly or weekly Evil newsletter, send the link to your latest vlog coast, you know, drive traffic to that. Yeah, club closes. You know, you can obviously do instagram story about it. Hey, I just published this great block post the links my bile, like you're so sure of all around. Now you know that one post for that week. Yeah, so yes,

spk_0:   16:38
technically, I know you is switch in 2012 to building your own business and coming from the corporate world. And you know where things I'd like to ask. My guests who have done this is you know, was that a bit of a side hustle that turned into a full time gig? You know, what was your reason? You're a mom. I'm a mom. And sometimes trying to have work like balance is is kind of difficult with star machine and 1,000,000. The other day when I interviewed her and I call it having boundaries now, not talent. But I'd love to hear a little bit of your story on how you transition from the world of corporate two. Your business.

spk_1:   17:23
I love that. You think that title boundaries not balance. That could be like a book title, Right? So

spk_0:   17:30
boundaries, because, you know, my kids, my kids, I saw it. It's got between the dogs and the husband and the real estate. Doesn't sobo guys like Allen?

spk_1:   17:49
Well, I can answer your question. I went out on my own 2012 is you know, and you know, prior to that I was working for Inman news. I've worked for him in for a number of years. I was their social media director and then went on the road and was speaking all over the country for them. And they become their chief strategist. Just did a bunch of stuff. It was amazing. I mean, women is an awesome, awesome company. I think there such a great brand and such a great place in the in the industry. But it did kind of get to be the point where I was like, No, I you know, you're gonna feel that, like, you know, feeling of like What's next, like, What's What's your next move, right? I guess There Is there something else A time I consider a really little. I was commuting about an hour each way each day and you know, I love what I did. But at the same time, I you know, time is all we have, right? Time is our most precious asset. And so this idea of like just improving quality of life was kind of something that resonated with me. And to be honest with you, when I first started kind of exploring options, I wasn't being an entrepreneur wasn't necessary. My first thing, my first thought was Okay, well, maybe there's scenery, other other opportunities. And as I started, kind of quietly sort of exploring other options. It just kind of, I guess, came to be, You know that. You know, maybe I could go out of my own and do this. And I think I've always been sort of an entrepreneur. A heart I've always felt like wherever I worked. I have treated it like it was my own company, almost to a fault. Right where you know, boundaries, you know, turning the off button off. And so, yeah, it definitely wasn't. It wasn't a side hustle, but it was certainly something that I just really kind of thought long and hard about. And once I made the decision, that was like, OK, they started kind of quietly kind of getting my ducks in a row before I sort of officially big, you know, made my announcement that I would leave.

spk_0:   19:35
Yeah, exactly. But, you know, those gives you thinking about it. Yeah, just, you know,

spk_1:   19:41
because obviously, you know, we had a party to have kids like it's not like I'm single and have no responsibilities, like I needed it to be a really smart decision. And we also relied on my income. So people often say, you know, did you take any time off? Did you have any downtime and on Honestly, no. My my start date of starting my business was October 1st and October 1st. I already had three clients signed on my first day because I had works, you know, quietly in the evenings and the weekends before I had left, actually

spk_0:   20:10
even planted the seeds. You know, you plant the sea, it's and I think that when I'm hearing from you, which I'm starting to really understand, like when I started So Boca those two years ago flash forward. It didn't just happen overnight, but I did plant the seeds and thought about Okay, where do I see this going? And that's where you are sharing. It's like, Look, you can plant seeds and then you'll harvest it when you're ready to harvest it.

spk_1:   20:40
Exactly. Exactly. Honestly, one of my first clients was in then, right? And so I'm a big believer. Don't burn your bridges like oh, no small world. And I feel really blessed that, you know, they're a great partner. I speak in a lot of their events and, you know, I'm contributed to, you know, their sight and stuff. So I think there's a way to do it where you can leave in a graceful way and also but also hustle, hustle like you need to hustle like in the whatever to set yourself up for that success. And the other thing I would say, By the way, just one other note on this is I didn't quite have a clear sense of what I was gonna D'oh. All I knew was I was good at what I did. What I knew there

spk_0:   21:23
was a little

spk_1:   21:23
bit of fake until you make it

spk_0:   21:24
for sure. I think that's legit. And I'm happy that you're sharing that. Because a lot of I think a lot of what we see in our industry is Hey, I need it. But nobody wants to share like. Okay, well, this is the crown I went through to get here right, And took this this and this and you're like, Oh, my God. Like starting a Bligh. I didn't completely wrong. I wasn't doing any s CEO. Like I'm just writing. Then turns out I'm supposed to be like did people research and? And my apologies I mean, I would be in areas, you know, do things, and then I Okay, let me go back and get that done. So I get what you're saying on that, and I like the fact that you're being very transparent because there's a lot of stuff that goes on that you don't want him ready to see. But my my big thing when I'm at conferences, this please don't stand up on stage as, ah, as a team leader or something and say he did 5000 deals, but not disclosed that you've got 25 people working with you and you gotta hold back, as you know, group of people. I think it's very discouraging to solo agents in particular. And so I just wanted to just be up front about it. Hey, you know what? I don't do this by myself, right? You know, I did. This is my portion of what I did. And then here's what everybody else it's my team did. And that's how we got to this. Yeah, I think you have a good point of,

spk_1:   22:57
like scalability. And as you grow systems are really, really key. You know, you could be on all the right social media platforms and build a database. But the time is all you have. So is you grow. You might choose to grow your team. Maybe just by having an assistant, first place or systems in place. So it doesn't feel like you're on this hamster wheel, you know? Oh,

spk_0:   23:19
gosh, Is that it's true, because you some days you wake up and you're you have a plan, and then the plan goes all today. You know what? So I'm with you on that. I am so another question for you, as I like Thio have a 24 hour challenge for my listeners. 21st was like something they can do today. And by tomorrow they've implemented it. So what What would you suggest is a 20 for our challenge to my listeners. Who 24 hour challenge for your listeners get Katie? No, really, I'm really biggest ice. Okay, I would

spk_1:   23:56
say this might be kind of a big one, but I bet you I'm gonna push some people out of their comfort zone. Yeah, good, my child. A good My challenge for any of you listening is I want you to take out your phone Turn on the camera button and record a queer turn on the camera. There we go. Through on the camera. Recorded quick. It could be something as simple is Hey, guys, I was just watching her. I was just listening. And Michelle Bees podcast. And this is the one big thing I wanted. I learned, and I want to share with you guys today. So quick video about what you learn in this podcast and then posted over on Instagram or Facebook and tagged us.

spk_0:   24:41
Yeah, for sure. Yeah, you're living here, but, you know, that's a great challenge. Because, of course, we want you out of their comfort zone on this video stuff. Yeah, no make up today. I know nothing happening here. You know, another thing I like to ask my guest is what? It's one thing other than your phone, your keys and your computer that you do not leave home without

spk_1:   25:08
Oh, my gosh. Phone, home keys or computer. He probably looks sick.

spk_0:   25:15
I would be mine. Oh, way. Oh, let me running it.

spk_1:   25:26
I love your lipstick everywhere. I mean, I've got one right here. I've got like, you know, it

spk_0:   25:30
does not roll over. I asked him Lip, stick this on the hash except focus Side of things. I found three really great, Matt, listless that are like eight hours. They're awesome on not Mac, which is my go to. So I'll share. That was because this is Mac. But this is not what I'm talking about. I found some other slow tonight, so no, also, this is another question. I asked my listeners because I think it's really my I guess it is really important to kind of get a feel with who influences you, whether it's inside our business or outside of our business

spk_1:   26:06
influences me. You know, I still got a ton of inspiration from Gary V. I've been following your banana chips for years and years and years first started reading Crush it and then the thank you economy. And then jab, jab, jab, right hook and, like, you know, like read a mall and I, you know, I watched all the videos ever think. So I was. I don't always agree with every single thing that he says, but I think that's fine, right? Like, yeah, he doesn't care if it's looking, but I just love his passion and I truly loved, you know, whether you like him under, you know, I don't like him. Whatever. I love that he just comes across very true to who he is. I love that he really believes in the philosophy of giving and, you know, giving to to get the right. There's a lot of value and giving to your communities, so he's probably somebody I definitely follow. I also really love following Marie Smith and following Worry for years. She's like Feast Look, guru All Space Book, And that's a lot following any Porterfield any faithful hasn't made me cast, and I've learned a lot about her from her.

spk_0:   27:07
Yeah, she's she's really amazing. I like Amy Porterfield a lot. I follow her stories and I do listen to her podcast, especially if you're looking to D'oh Digital course says she just. She just guessed that so at such a level. But she knows how to break it down, so it's not overwhelming. Go and she talks like email lists to a lot about the importance of that. So and lastly, if you break bread with anyone dead or alive, who would be and what would you have? Tea Oh, my goodness, that's another good question. I don't know one person you can pick more than one. People seem to have a problem with picking one. So

spk_1:   27:49
well, first person comes to mind would probably be Oprah.

spk_0:   27:53
It's very popular. Yes, I've

spk_1:   27:56
been a fan of hers forever and had the pleasure of actually going to her show. And during the last season that she was running her show, I think was back in like 11 4012.

spk_0:   28:07
I saw that you pushed about that.

spk_1:   28:11
Yeah, I did a whole podcast episode about if you want me. Oh, I did. This whole social media campaign was kind of a crazy story about how I got to go to the Oprah Show with my best friend. So it's a good episode of Listen. But I think she's just been such an inspiration, you know, as a female leader and what she's done with her success and how she impacts the world. I think it's pretty amazing a ce faras what we eat, probably so, you know, maybe go back to that restaurant and Caesar's Palace. Oh my God. So I'm probably open would

spk_0:   28:48
get cares. I hear anything. Yeah, I mean good food with good friends and someone you really respect. It doesn't really matter. You could be sitting in your kitchen, you know, and doing that. But Oprah has come up a couple of times now. Yeah, Matt Damon.

spk_1:   29:05
That's awesome. That's also I would also say one other first. Yeah. Yes, most people haven't said yet. This might be someone you're not familiar with. I would love to have a meal with. There's an author. Her name's Kelly Corrigan. Hi, my name, and she is an amazing offer. She's local here to the Bay Area. She is like a New York Times bestselling author. She writes memoirs, and it's her books are all about kids or her family. And one of her best selling books is called The Middle Place, which is that if we all live in where we are both apparent and a kid at the same time in life. And so if you're listening, I know this isn't necessary business related, but it's a she's a

spk_0:   29:43
telling because, you know, I have this group. I started caught my midlife flight, and one of the It's like the sandwich generation scenario where you are have older kids and maybe your tank, your parents. My parents are deceased, the flip side of having lost them a younger age. They were 58 61. So I was in my late twenties early threes because I don't have to do any caregiving for my parents. And I deal with a lot of my nieces, air probate, senor. Sit down, sized and divorced. And so I work with families, and I'm above the Alzheimer's Association hospice with families that are hoping with this caregiving piece, which is brutal, it's brutal, It's exhausting and what carriers to just amazed me, I appear standpoint, will not be in that role. But I think that's really kind of interesting what you're saying, because they're sometimes and I'm 57 where I still feel way I'm kind of a kid. He's appear to have two feet T Oh yeah, Maybe that's because I lost my parents at a younger age. It's kind of weird when that happens, because you don't have parents to go Thio. It's kind of weird and and I talked about it a little bit more than I used to because I tried not to let it be is impactful on me. But I think it was very back alive, just kind of compartmentalized that. So it didn't bother me all the time, you know, like going out to him and and being on a panel, they're having that conversation, you know? It's so cool. I wish I could call my mom, but, you know, I couldn't. But at the end of the day, I loved the scenario because I think there's a lot of people feel that way. We're still Perkin. You're still kind of now you're raising your your own kids. And, you know, I think that's cool. I like I sent me the link on that because I think I'd like Thio readout for sure. I will, for sure. Well, that's very cool. Keep already. Find you and feel free to tell them if you have any specials coming up. This will probably air in a few weeks. So going into September October kind of scenario,

spk_1:   31:53
Yeah, we have dealerslots place. You could find me, but probably the best thing would be just to go to my website. Katie lance dot com k e T i e l e n c e dot com. I'm pretty much Katie lands on every social media platform. But we got our website. We have, like, hundreds of free resource. Is you consent of our email lists about our academy information There. You're hosting an event. You're looking for a speaker and give me a call. All that good stuff

spk_0:   32:15
by stores tends stars. Right there. Right there. Thank you so much. Great. So you guys, if you want her picture out to Katie, you go find her and all the platforms, especially on Instagram. Her website. She doesn't great tips free information. Look out for her next Instagram challenge or whatever challenged he has, because they're always really good. I've been on some of your webinars this well, always great, always no fluff. Katie doesn't have enough. She's played, you know, straight arrow. And I like that because he wants block hit it. But I don't want to hear, like, torments of fluff. Just get to tell me where I'm here. There's nothing worse than that.

spk_1:   32:49
There is nothing worse than being on a webinar in, like, 20 minutes of like who this person is and why you should listen. It's like I know, but I should listen. That's why I signed up.

spk_0:   32:58
Let's get to it. Let's face it, we're seeing a podcast. Do you know where I'm like having to go in tetanus before I'm even, like hearing an interview which strives her said like, Are you going to show me? Oh, I e for

spk_1:   33:18
everyone. Like brevity is your friend, right legs, Get to the point.

spk_0:   33:22
I mean, just for yourself in the lister shoes, You know, like so you can find Katie. No fluff, no fluff. Case e that. Thank you so much for coming on today. We've been trying to do this for a while because schedules and schedules and things happen, but that's all you know, when it's meant to be. It's meant to be. So I really appreciate one of things I am going to do. Riel, bro, Quick is a quick instagram story, so I could share it on the gram, man. Okay, here we go. So today, the value is Katie lands on the real state implants, or was that famous stage? Because this will be coming out in a few weeks. All right. Oh, I'm going to say but save it. Say there we get a say, Damn it, that's the worst. When it doesn't say Oh, yeah, No makeup, Michelle. I mean, local people. My America got you funny. Oh, all right, guys, Listen, Thank you so much for checking in today. And if you're watching this on a video Thanks. Thanks again, Katie. Really appreciate it. I looked forward Thio sharing the sound with all of our listeners and our friends and fans and family on all the social. So thanks again, Katie. Haven't

spk_1:   34:49
like they have a great day to

spk_0:   34:50
Hey, guys, Thanks for joining me today. Listening to the rules to influence her buzz podcast and in the hive. If you loved hearing something today, feel free to buzz by the new Facebook page The roast influence or buzz and drop a comment in there. I love to hear from you, ladies feel free to request to join women to women in real estate, a Facebook group that I have started where I continue the sparkle, the magic and includes special content giveaways and more guests rate there. If you are interested in finding me on the socials, you can do that at sip social cell dot com and I would love it. If you would follow me at the Michelle B on Instagram, it's my jam. Send me a d M and feel free to share this podcast with other real estate agents and entrepreneurs that you know who may

spk_1:   35:48
need a little inspo to start their day.