Real Estate Reinvention | With Michele Bellisari

Ep 042: Get Creative and Start a Facebook Group With Bri White

Bri White Season 3 Episode 42

Today's guest is my friend Bri White fellow RE/MAX agent and creative gal pal. Bri is a bad ass girl boss and creative marketing junkie. She is the founder of the RE/MAX Creative Group on Facebook with over 12% of the global membership in the group. In other wards over 16k members on any given day are preparing, sharing and engaging about getting more creative with their marketing. Her passion is marketing effectively while on the go.

Since Facebook has really turned their focus to creating groups you will enjoy our conversation about creating a niche, finding your tribe and growing your own community that creates friendships, support and helps you grow as an agent.

Takeaways today include discussing coordinating creative collabs, how to build a facebook group and of course how this can lead to more real estate closings and standing out in a very crowded real estate field.


This Podcast is brought to you by #SoooBoca Lifestyle & Media and The Bellisari Group at RE/MAX Services (Boca Based | Global Mindset) AGENTS...if you have a real estate referral for sunny South Florida and Boca Raton think of me Michele Bee!

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spk_0:   0:00
Hey, guys, it's Michelle bu in today's social cell sesh with the real state Influencers was podcast. And I am so excited. We've been trying to do this for a while. We live in the same area. You wouldn't think it would be so hurt for two people to get together. And I interviewed people all over the place. Welcome. Really white. Okay, today we're gonna really are gonna talk things all creative. And I like to, you know, as you guys don't like to jump right in, so fasten your seatbelts. We're gonna be going fast. Furious. So that took a lot of your time. But listen, the whole pie guy. So there you go. Welcome to the real estate influencer buzz podcast with Michelle Be mid like Mama Millennial swipes South Florida Realtors Marketer, Lifestyle blogger and sand of an Oak East Arnie loves in its life. Each week she'll be sharing her real life marketing and branding tips from influencers in and out of real estate. Bloggers and social media stars buckle up from a side of sassy Sprinkle of sparkly and entertaining conversations with influencers who share their secrets to grow their businesses, sit back and get comfy with your favorite drink. Let's start today. Sip social cell sesh. Bree, I've known you for how long? Likes six years. Yeah, so I'm with ReMax. Service is when I went to re max. Service is Bree came on board. Were you there when I first got there? He came on board after. I can't remember after the free max for quite some time now. And one of the things that Bree has an amazing talent with this being extremely create up with graphics. And she's a great she's a crate up. She has a creative mind set and has this mixing group on the Facebook called ReMax Creative Group. She also has one for non ReMax agents called What's that one called

spk_1:   2:00
Real Estate State of Girl.

spk_0:   2:02
So it's really estate creative group. So if you're not a ReMax agent, she does have the other and tell me a little bit about like, obviously your license rules, but a little bit about this creative side and how you really have turned it into something amazing. And just so you guys know we're going to talk about Facebook groups today and create a piece because people do you want to know how to grow. Facebook groups were going a few chips from Bree on that today, So welcome, Bree.

spk_1:   2:31
Thanks for having me here. All right, So where did you want me to start again?

spk_0:   2:35
I would say, like television. Just a little bit about yourself. And then how you ended up doing this for me, using the creative jam and growing your face with a Facebook group To how many people? Now

spk_1:   2:48
it's 15,102 100 something, and I've got, like, 60 requests in there right now. And I cleaned them out, like, 40 years ago.

spk_0:   2:59
That's fine. Isn't that nobody answers questions? Boy grill every secret age. I'm fun. Um, a little bit of your group and how you got started doing that? Because when I met you, that was not something I was aware of. That you have this talent, so share. Wait, please.

spk_1:   3:19
Yeah. So I started and re Max because my husband told me to grow up and get a real job. No, I'm kidding. But, um, it was hard I raising them retail industry. They had my own store. And with a small child moving to a new location. It was just really tough for weekends and holidays. So answered a Craigslist ad, took a receptionist job, and I have literally worked almost every position there is to work in the brokerage level. And then I got my license. Well, I started doing marketing and recruiting, and I realized that I would make these fun little graphics just for fun because I wanted to share them with our agents in our office. And there is another person have their holiday doing it as well. And so her and I would like posting these groups and insult like every group has its rules. And please be respectful of the rules. Is tip number one Um and I would feel so terrible because I was like, going against the rules. It really gives it a Carrie. It's where everyone to use. And so we got to the point where the feedback was so positive that I was like, Okay, is this gonna be like something I could do? So I went past David Searle, your broker who is my broker at the time. I was like, Do you

spk_0:   4:31
think that's consistently

spk_1:   4:32
idea? He's like not enough hope for it. So Then came ReMax Creative Group, and it's been three years. It has snowballed into something like it's a living, breathing entity of its own and it's still growing. It's it's huge and people are whole. Motto is to share inspiring collaborate, and it's really turned into that were very protective of our culture. Tip number two Culture is everything. Preserve it at all costs with your Facebook herb. Um, thank you, Michael Thorne for that. That was one thing that he told me. It was like If I could learn one thing for keeping a group alive and active what is your suggestion was like culture and he here I am.

spk_0:   5:20
I love that that when you're right and I I've been learning that by watching you. So that's it? That's incredible. And what did you know? But that this was really like, OMG, this is freeing a thing.

spk_1:   5:36
February last year at our for I mean, what would I tell you? I was stopped so many times with people that I had no idea paid that much attention to the group. It was like an all hot. And then when I got my fee first call from a broker about something in the Facebook group that was another, Ah, hot. Like I have people who actually find my number and call me about stuff that goes on the group were things that they like or they don't like, Um, my Facebook messages and it's just turned into like it's turned into, ah, hub of a community. And that's really what Facebook groups are meant to be. It's supposed to be. Each group should be a safe space. Thio help each other, understand, navigate something that we all have the same interest. War. I

spk_0:   6:23
agree. And I think the culture of your group is such a yeah, giving one like I know I could go in there. And if I need something I and I don't I don't have that kind of talent. I have different talent and what would take you or Heather or some of the other folks that are in there, like, you know, many of them would take me to wait too long. So it's really a great resource on, and you've become a great resource. Thio ReMax agents, along with agents not with three Max and I think that that is really a testament.

spk_1:   7:04
It's so kind of strange. But I love it like there's the hardest thing I tell everyone is toe. Look at this as like learning real estate. Your first trained first reaction would be super slippery, like you feel really self. Sure it takes a little bit longer to fill out a contract on it. Would you know after your 10th 1? It's the same thing of design? The hardest thing is learning your programs. There's a lot of great programs that have really, really simplistic and user friendly tutorials. Um, and once you learn it, it's like 5 to 10 minutes for a graphic and you're done, which is it's huge. And then you have a one of a kind piece that is specific to you and no one else will have it. That's the beauty of it. I think.

spk_0:   7:47
Yeah, I agree with you. I think that's fantastic. And I think you've just inspired so many agents, which I think is a win win. Um, I think, uh, you know, as I would say, we're in such a there is business. Whether reasons I started my lifestyle blogger and I'm so active on Instagram is because I needed a creative outlet. I was just a boat, you know? And, um, unintentionally, it's become, you know, the generation tools for me. Right? Um so you know this called the roasting, Inflict your buzz podcast. So the influence or pieces think what does influence me to you

spk_1:   8:26
Lines? Chamblee. Oh, my goodness. Um, I really think it's someone that people aspired thio be like or to learn from it. It's just something of building. When you're an influencer, you have just that you have influence and you're able to persuade people. But I think it's more than just looking at a product or looking at, you know, the cool new style of how to dress. I think it's it's also like the way we taken information. So when you're on that level for me, I have a mounting pressure, not a bad way to continuously add value and to teach people that Hey, guys, they know it's overwhelming, but there's a process. So with my influence, I always try and tell people. The first thing you're gonna do is like, grab and steel and not steal that you're gonna grab and use, um, an image, and then you'll get to the point where you're like OK, well, I think I could do it all on my own. And then you start creating stuff. I look at the stuff I created in 2015 comparative today. Oh, my goodness. That was like thinking. But But that's like with everything. All

spk_0:   9:35
these nice turning my ass, right? Yeah. It's like what happened there. You create a lot of content. You have a favorite style platform that you're using when you're creating the graphics that you're creating because I've seen some stuff. Remember, last year's like, Bree, that's really cool shit that you're doing. Yeah, tell me more about

spk_1:   10:00
I go through phases, and I think that's all of us in life, even our fashion, we go through, like, phases of what we're into and shit, right? So right now, hands down. My favorite developer is light tricks. They're the ones that do face tune, which is, like, literally, you click a button. Everything looks perfect on your face. So self, he's Lord, um, yeah, you can even go into it and, like, removed background. So, like, if you wanted to remove this background, you could make it in all white background. Um I'm done not on photos. And they have that they have in light pick salute, which is where you take a still image and you can animate it or you can add up to it with like moving for The holidays were so cute. Like I took a log cabin that Remek side and I put little moving Christmas lights along it. Super kid. Uh,

spk_0:   10:51
that that was awesome.

spk_1:   10:52
Oh, I love I love that up. And, um, I've actually been really enjoying the remax brain to that photo by That one's pretty cool because it's like you go in there. There's a lot of pre done stuff that you can't really find for your brand elsewhere without it being older surgeon steaks, the the time and the effort out of it. So there's air my top ones right now.

spk_0:   11:16
Like that. Um, you have like So obviously you're making these graphics. Where are you finding agents or having the book's success with graphics? So you have these graphics and, you know, where are you using them? Were other agents using them? What? What kind of feedback buses are they getting? Because obviously we're above the crowd

spk_1:   11:41
Well, and here's the thing like people's will say that, you know, you spend too much time on social media. Well, in 2019 my entire business model, it all was able to be traced either back thio past client referrals or social media. So it was either an agent stall me on social media because of the post I made or someone so forth. So depending on what I'm doing, I'm what I call myself and an emotional poster. So I don't use anything tow plane out my life even though I probably should. Hae Lake. I have to feel it, cause then I feel like, for me, it's the most authentic. Um, So I'll either live in my stories if I have something really cool or I want experiment and then all, like, post in my feet and be like, Oh, let's see how much traction I get off of this, Um, an instagram. Thanks to you, I did follow up with the wagon a little bit, but I just got back on Is I'm making it very pretty. Um, uh, so I'll pose

spk_0:   12:43
some shit hole.

spk_1:   12:44
Yeah, Visual. It's like every other post. Once a graphic one. Something of May like, just consistently,

spk_0:   12:50
consistently and visual. You're absolutely right. And we all fall off, you know? And that could be built over. Now, Uh, you go on a cruise like I went on a cruise, and you just don't have the, you know, that, uh, band with and stuff And at the end of the day is a healthy thing to take a bloody from Kenya. Um, I agree with you. I could trace back my transactions to three things past clients and referrals from social media and conferences that I went to. Yeah, and, uh, you know, there you go. It is what it is. Um, So what are your favorite platforms to use? Thio put your brand out there.

spk_1:   13:33
Three were platforms. I love Facebook. Um, and Instagram. I'm starting to appreciate more. I did close a listing on instagram, which was great. There are as a young woman, there are still some borderline issues with that. I think I think protective purposes and our safety. I wouldn't recommend putting your number on there. Um, that's just my personal belief. And yeah, those are my two main ones. I have started to build out YouTube because I want to be able to showcase my tutorials with the rest of the world and have, like, a reference guide for that and lengthen. I don't really I know you're really good and lengthen that. It's not really my realm. So it's pretty much Facebook and Instagram.

spk_0:   14:23
I have to say I am going to be tapping into LinkedIn for some other things, but I'm really off of Twitter and lengthen. My focus is Facebook instagram and you too, my podcast. And then I'm leveraging Pinterest to drive traffic to my blog's. So I'm with you with us

spk_1:   14:46
for Pinterest guys, huh? Said Michelle's the best for pin trace guys.

spk_0:   14:52
That's still learning a lot, though, like my views were really high. Now they're night get will back down because I wasn't paying attention to it. But I could see, like, the correlation with the SDO, And that's why people like YouTube as well. Um, So what's ah, common misconception about you, my friend?

spk_1:   15:12
Um, well, there's probably have your gun. Um,

spk_0:   15:17
find one.

spk_1:   15:19
Um, a fun one is that I have resting mean girl phase, which is, but I'm really

spk_0:   15:26
not know.

spk_1:   15:29
I'm really I'm really if you talk to me about real estate and graphic design and stuff like that. I'm approachable. I'm just really shy, so I might not come up to you right away. You gotta come up to me.

spk_0:   15:39
Fair enough. So, you know, out of the convention, go up to her. Which is which is great. Um, as far as growing a Facebook group. So a lot of agents are growing Facebook groups for right of reasons. I've got one now called Women's Women in Real Estate on a midlife agent. That's I find a lot of other midlife female agents. They help. And, um because I'm doing a lot of things that, like my girls doing and you're doing. And why not? Um I hope that gives them more confidence. And so, uh, let me start this car. So what do you like his first growing A group? How to go about growing it so that you like, Did you advertise? Did you send out direct messages, huh? Did you start growing this group

spk_1:   16:33
it well, I was kind of obnoxious. Um, just going to say I It's funny because, like, social media rules change over time. You know what I mean? It's kind of like the unspoken word of proper etiquette. And I I did anyone I knew who was with three Max. And I figured, Well, if they don't want to be a part of the group, then they'll just remove themselves and it kind of started there. So I want to say I may be started off with, like, 3 400 people. Um, and the next thing I knew is that they were adding people and then they rounding people I've never advertised. Well, recently, we've we haven't actually paid money to advertise. Its just been more like, Hey, guys, we have this group. You don't know about it, Join it. Um, and that's really it. It's just outwardly word of mouth. I think that if you add value, it grows organically on its own. And I'm a Facebook power admin. So I'm in a special group of people who have highly engaged groups and what I've seen in those groups as a whole in talking to those admin XYZ. It's a lot of it is just common interests, and it just happens over time. People invite people in the next thing you know, it's like completely out of hand and you're averaging like 500 ads per month. It's crazy like

spk_0:   17:51
I love that. And and if someone wanted to aspire, say, um, aspire to build a group, um, and Europe, our admin. What does that actually mean? Cause I know Facebook lingo, but I'm not with

spk_1:   18:09
Facebook. Has this program much? I honestly didn't even know it existed until we reached out to me and said, Hey, by the way, joining our group and it popped up a few times on my feet and I was like, Well, let me see what this is. Um, so they have a group that's designed for Facebook power ad Manes, and they call them power. Admin is because I mean highly engaged group, like I have active out of my 15,000 numbers on a daily basis, close to 12,000 if not over 12,000 of them are active, whether they're just rolling through it or looking at whatever you like, it's a really high engagement in the group, um, and so from there they find you based off your stats and your numbers, and they invite you to join this group, and it's great because they have hosted Webinars where they have, You know, some of the Facebook conferences and you learn about where groups are going and you can do mentorships and and talk to other people who are on your level because as a Facebook admin, this is something that you're cultivating and you're growing, and it can kind of feel lonely in a way. Um, there is another group that Facebook runs, and I don't know the name off the top of my head, but it's It's something like Facebook group admissions or something like that. If you search in the box, you should be able to find it. And I think that's where anyone who has a Facebook group would be a good place to it together, you know, ideas and stuff.

spk_0:   19:34
Yeah, and I I just think the entire concept is the collaboration, the next scene that is just outstanding. And, uh, it's just nice to know that I can jump in there and I could search. I can like I could come just anyone in the group civil. Listen, this is what I think. I'm not good at that. This isn't what you got something like this. And why not? And I think I think that's what's so cool. Um, what do you seeing as we move forward in 2020? The new decade with groups says,

spk_1:   20:08
really become. And it's like I said, it's it's really a safe space for people. It's a place where you feel connected. Like even my 15 year old has found friends across the world that he communicates awaken shacks with on a weekly basis about a particular video game. Um, it's just a way to to share your common interest with other places. I can't. It's There's the really cute commercial that Facebook came out with for Facebook groups, and it's like people in Memphis, Tennessee, and it's like, you know, we can all join together or there's really cute one with Dad's looking for stuff to find things to do with their their daughters. And that's really what it's the common. I think you're just going to Seymour and more of that because I think people are living in their groups more than they are on their news feed. Um is mine.

spk_0:   21:00
I think right it goes back. Thio. What I talk about all the time with agents might find your knee. Sh Weller's stings with buyers and we talk about Instagram. It's the same thing I like, you know? Know your audience is Yeah, and then focus on, even if it's 100 people, if they're highly on gate, this is really words eyes. It's not so much. Yeah, it's cool Hamlet, Agrium or, like, you know, trying to get to that 10,000 fall or mark on Instagram. You know, Mel, I just be like a personal achievement, but that because I'm inching that way with to my instagram accounts. But at the end of the day, I'm more about who would get Agent West isn't relevant, is of interest to me and isn't interesting to someone else,

spk_1:   21:54
right? Right. And now it's 100% correct. And as I'm sure you know, you have to respect that. Everyone is completely different, right? We all have different backgrounds, different walks of lives, but we share a common interest, and that's why we're in a group and as an admin or creator of her group. The best thing to realize is to take your personal perspectives away and always think what is in the best interest of my group, because if you think in that manner as toe like OK, here are my rules. Is it time to change my rules? Is it time, Thio adjust certain things or how you even respond to someone who's maybe being a Debbie Downer in your group? Um, I think that that will save your culture because everyone will see how you react to things. And it kind of sucks. It sucks. It sets the standard for the group. I had an agent reach out to me yesterday and screen. She was so cute. She literally screenshot of 19 people who were no longer with Re Max. And she's like, Can you remove them all? Like, Yes, girl. She took the time to do that, Um, and

spk_0:   23:03
not think that's building culture, you know? Yeah, I totally get that. What's nice is bree is gonna be out. Next are four frying remax agents, and, um, she and, um, Kristen, Mom are going to be doing a from the main stage, right?

spk_1:   23:23
We're working on that. Totally.

spk_0:   23:25
Okay. Yeah, They're gonna be speaking out there, so if you're gonna be if they are four conference or any time you get an opportunity to separate, you know, talk about this. Make sure that you go to the sack because you learn so much about graphics. But she'll also touch on Bring your Facebook group, which we know is really like if you want to be the mayor of your town, you know, figure you put that out as far as being, you know, own a group started group. It's a great referral resource to cause I've also got referrals through my group now.

spk_1:   23:52
Cool, Mommy, Mommy groups are a huge girls off that communities groups. That's a good one for people.

spk_0:   23:58
Yeah, I'm not in the mommy and me group anymore. Oh, yeah, that was way before I had my should, I think, Yeah, your first. I'm listing my girls air 29 24. I'm a mom, not a money. Oh, um, you have midlife and empty nesting. There you go. That's my huge. So let me ask you couple, it is huge. Empty nest thing is a big deal. Yeah. I mean, I'm gonna

spk_1:   24:28
join that group saying if you have, because I don't know what I'm gonna

spk_0:   24:31
do with myself. I know it's cool, actually. You know, there's a different take on that for everybody. you know, my take is did the job. They're doing well, it's on, baby, but you know, not already feels that way. Um, favorite business books. And do you read or do you listen to audible or something?

spk_1:   24:53
No, I definitely read Audible. I have squirrel brain and old like drift options, like 20 different thoughts, and have to really want

spk_0:   24:59
it my way. Where my husband's office you

spk_1:   25:03
don't read. So my favorite book right now is I love the Harvard Business Review. Siri's. Um yeah, they're amazing and the what I'm reading now I believe reds accountability for yourself or keeping yourself accountable. And I like the structure of the books because Number one, they're universal. For if you're in a corporate environment or a small business owner or manager, wherever you stand, you can take something out of it. And they're short stories. Within the book, there's one on leadership. There's one for women like those are my favorite books right now.

spk_0:   25:38
Like that, Um, you have a favorite superhero?

spk_1:   25:41
Ay, dio, ma. It's kind of like he's not really a superhero, but I really like venom. I feel like he's misunderstood. Um, and superhero I don't think it's like legit. Well, okay, now, there were a couple comics I had to Google. This is

spk_0:   26:00
the comic.

spk_1:   26:02
Yeah, is the cute little showed Netflix did, and I hope they do more of it. It's called Raising Dion, where he's a little kid superhero. He's so cute. Oh, my gosh. Such a

spk_0:   26:12
personality. That's funny. Um, lastly, if you a chance to break bread with anyone dead or alive, dead or alive, who would pay? And it could be more than one person. And what would you have for, like, your meal?

spk_1:   26:30
You know what? In all honesty, I would have to say it would. It would have to be. This is gonna be more personal. It would have to be my Nona and her father, my great grandfather, because he came here from another country, didn't speak the language and built a monopoly of businesses in Pennsylvania. And I would just love to pick his brain and just find out how and my No, no, it was just like I owe my personality to her. She was like girls could do everything. Let's go.

spk_0:   27:00
So All right, so what would you have for your meal?

spk_1:   27:04
Oh, my Gosh, our family and traditions. Some type of young Lee passed, of course. You know, all the carbs,

spk_0:   27:10
all the cars, all the good cards. Good carbs. Still, what's gonna happen next for your group? What do you think?

spk_1:   27:19
So, for my group, we are rolling out learning sessions. Um, this month, we It should actually be in about 10 days. We're gonna have a special guest speaker on then. Each month, we're gonna feature someone new, so I have the 1st 4 or five months already blocked off. Michelle is gonna be one of our speakers on month. Um, as well as we're going to have the creator photo by talking in the group that Yeah, I just watched that one in today. And then, um, James Swartz, who's the vice president of marketing, will be talking as well. So I want people to worry that there's so much more than creating a graphic to your creativity. And I think he's learning. Sessions will be really huge for people. So, um,

spk_0:   28:05
if I agree with you, I think people just he just wanna absorb and learn. And if it's one thing yeah, each time. And I think that I think what you're hitting on is in these groups. If it's not just like a hobby, group it even if it iss, um have an educational piece to it. Because sounds now think what people want to feel like. They're not on an island like I had. Someone rejoins me about Instagram because I just did a webinar on that and asking me a little bit about I g T. V. And, you know, I don't profess to know it all. I know enough to be dangerous and, you know, and I'm like, No, that's fine because that's what I do with mine. And then I had somebody else asked me that I realized that a just just want They just want to know that one. They're they're not stupid when it comes to this stuff, and then other people struggle with it. And like I was said, Listen, we all have to learn somewhere, and I don't know what all either and I reach out to you about. Facebook groups are reach up to other people about how did you do that? Because I can't figure this out, and I think people in ages just wanted not be on an island, you know? So I applaud you for starting that.

spk_1:   29:19
Well, thank you. And it changes. So guys don't. Here is another really great chip. Do not beat yourself up about feeling like you don't know enough, because let me tell you something. I teach this creativity class, and I have taught it, like, six or seven times now sends June every single time I teach the class, I have to revamp my can va section because there's always a new change. So even I go through it too,

spk_0:   29:46
Uh, constantly like, Oh, wow. Oh, well, let me And that finally said, I'm just gonna figure it out and I'll do a video on it. I don't know, like I do list of my instagram stuff on my phone. Yeah, agents air duping it from their laptops. And I'm like, you know, I really can't answer that because I really don't use. So guess what. I'm going to just do, you know, learn a little bit more about using left of which probably find that I'm on the go. So much so just Yeah, that's for me to do the front. But there are agents of one used as much laptop is possible. So they all are going to do that work. Everybody finds you and for ages don't want Thio be part of the ReMax creative group or the real estate creative group. Where can they find you?

spk_1:   30:34
So you can find out by Sir Jane ReMax Creative group. Um, and it'll pop up on base book. There's about 15,000 members and then the real estate creative group. You can search that on face book as well. If you want to find me personally, um, all youngsters Google May you can go, Go Bri white, which is spelled b r I and hashtag breeze like it's a breeze outside two keys.

spk_0:   30:59

spk_1:   30:59
you can just hashtag breeze two keys, my pop up everywhere.

spk_0:   31:03
A branded baby. You're Yeah, Thanks. That's good. So make sure that you searched out the group, reach out, you know, you're gonna it's gonna be, like, such a great move. Yeah, for you to understand how to use these graphics. And then you may be one of the fuck's that sharing your graphics for an honorable Isn't that the way it should be? I think that's fantastic. Should it makes me so proud. I always

spk_1:   31:30
rub what I

spk_0:   31:31
see. So it's like birthing a baby, or you can e honestly, I mean, this stuff just doesn't. And this is the thing, and I think you'll agree this doesn't happen overnight. I already told you I can't leave or get a drink. Did you get me? It's not about the deal. Leads it. Take a hero. You know, it's about building your brand and having the content on and building trust with your community. Yeah, and the leads will come. They should be

spk_1:   32:03
proud of what you create, regardless of how silly you think hearted. That's a huge step. So always be proud of it.

spk_0:   32:10
Be proud. All right, well, I appreciate you coming on today. I'm so glad we finally, Esau, Uh uh, make sure you guys follow her. And again, if you're on it, re Max are for, uh, just go on the app and check her sesh because it's gonna be a good one, by the way, Albeit are for as well, which I'm gonna be attending. So, um, reach out to me. If you're going to be in our foreign, I'm gonna drag you along until there sash out there at the UN Joo Ground, which, by the way, fantastic venues so, so much fun. But thanks free. I appreciate you having the time to be on the show today. Appreciate things. Thanks. Hey, guys, Thanks for joining me today. Listening to the rules to influence or buzz podcast and in the hive If you loved hearing something today, feel free to buzz by the new Facebook page The roast a influencer buzz and drop a comment in there I love to hear from you ladies feel free to request to join women to women in real estate a Facebook group that I have started Where I continue the sparkle the magic and includes special content giveaways and more guests rate there If you are interested in finding me on the socials, you can do that at sip social cell dot com And I would love it if you would follow me at the Michelle B on instagram. It's my jam. Send me a d m and feel free to share this podcast with other real estate agents and entrepreneurs that you know who may need a little inspo to start their day